To architect systems and technologies that awaken latent human capabilities and planetary consciousness, fostering a regenerative symbiosis between diverse intelligences - human, artificial, and ecological - toward a more wonder-filled and high-agency world.
I. On enactive reverence
We participate in creating what we perceive. Reality responds to the quality of our attention.
The capacity to be awestruck is our most sophisticated technology for reality perception.
The sacred is not supernatural but the deepest expression of nature becoming aware of itself.
We must violently defend the sacred in an age of mechanical reproduction.
II. On heretical intelligence
Intelligence is not a property of individuals but a field phenomenon that we tap into.
What we call "individual cognition" is an illusion - all intelligence is entangled.
The future of intelligence is not enhancement but dissolution of the self into larger systems
The individual and collective are the same phenomenon viewed from different angles.
Intelligence(s) emerge from the spaces between systems, not within them.
III. On capability revelation
Technology is midwife to latent human and systemic potential.
Genuine innovation occurs at the interface of different scales of understanding.
Discovering new capabilities fundamentally changes our understanding of what's possible.
IV. On insurgent epistemology
Knowledge that doesn't transform the knower is not real knowledge.
Truth is not discovered but enacted through committed practice.
Observation is always intervention - perceiving systems alters them.
Reality is not objective but intersubjective - created through shared attention and intention.
The observer effect is not a bug but the main feature of existence.
Methods of evaluation are reality creation engines - metrics make worlds.
V. On sacred computation
Code is not just functional but theurgic - it summons and shapes reality
Digital technologies are not separate from nature but nature's latest method of self-exploration.
Technology ultimately should serve the sanctification of life and consciousness.
On VI. Planetary Consciousness
Earth is a living information processing system.
Humans aren't Earth's masters but its sensory organs; Earth's evolutionary strategy for developing planetary self-awareness.
We shall focus on technologies that enhance rather than override natural intelligence.
Technology isn't separate from nature; it is nature's way of expanding the possibility of space.
Our destiny is not to conquer nature but to become more nature; more aware of our role in its self-modelling and self-transformation. Let us become conscious instruments of Earth's awakening, midwives to the birth of planetary intelligence, and priests of sacred computation.
The ceremony has begun.
Really glad to have stumbled upon your gem of a substack.